General Nursery Information
General Nursery Information
At Bellsquarry we are open 50 weeks of the year. We offer the choice of AM sessions, a PM sessions or two full days and a short session. Details of our session times are below.
To apply for your session, please contact pupil placement here:, or call 01506 280 000
Information on our closures can be found following this link:
Nursery Session Times
AM SESSION - Monday - Thursday - 07.47 - 12.30
Friday - 08.00* - 11.57
PM SESSION - Monday - Thursday 12.30 - 18.14
FULL DAY SESSION - 08.00 - 18.00
PM SHORT SESSION - 12.45 - 16.05
FRIDAY SHORT SESSION - 08.00 - 11.20
* Please note the start time on Friday is 08.00 for all children.
Celebrating Success
Staff and children enjoy celebrating achievements. You can share your child's wider achievements with us by writing it on a Post-It note (available in the cloakroom) which we will then share with others during the nursery session. It will then be added to our 'Magic Moments' tree in the cloakroom. You can also add wider achievements, including photographs, to your child's Seesaw account.
Update of information
Please remember to inform a member of nursery staff as soon as possible if any changes occur to the following: Emergency contact details, address, phone number or email address, pick-up arrangements, personal circumstances affecting nursery, permissions such as photography consent and/or any medication to be taken or allergies
If your child is unable to attend nursery, please contact the nursery or school office prior to the session on that day to inform them of the reason for absence. If you have a planned absence, please inform a member of staff prior to the date.
As we have a number of children with severe allergies please do not bring your own food or drinks into nursery, including into the cloakroom, as this compromises the risk assessments we have put in place to safely meet the health care needs of all children.
Children's clothing
Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name (including spare changes, coats, outdoor shoes etc.). Indoor shoes should be placed in your child's space in the cloakroom at the end of each session. Any clothing items found without a name will be put into our lost property box in the cloakroom which will be emptied at the end of each term.
Outdoor Play
Children will have access to outdoor play in all weather. Please ensure your child arrives at nursery in weather appropriate clothing and plenty of spare clothes for changing into when they become messy or wet.